Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I think i really improved on the filiming and editing together and chosing shots from my preliminary task to my actual movie opening in various ways, for example one key feature which was really not sucessful in my preliminary task was the continuity editing as from shot to shot there were gaps where the chararcters involved had clearly changed their positions, also camera shake was abit of a problem although a tripod was used, especially on the high low angle shots, so i was aware of this while filming my opening.
These two shots are from my preliminary task and as you can see the shot goes imediatly from him drinking out of a cup, to a shot of him looking down at it; so this shows my really bad ability to sucessfully portay continuity editing, and this is something i beleive i improved on a great deal when filming and editing together my movie opening as there is continuity editing throughout the second half sequence. Whereas the first half of all the close up art shots do not need to focus on continuity editing.
In this shot reverese shot you can see that all positioning of the male character being film are completly different once again showing bad continuity editing another thing i had to always remember and consider when filming my opening.
In comparison to my movie opening where i used a tripod throughout and focus on keeping the camera steady at all times, i think the quality of filming is much better than the preliminary task. Also the continuit of the whole piece worked really well also in me opening.
As you can see here, these are two shots my my movie opening which are next to each other and the continuity works really well as the shots are from different angles but in both the character is stiring the tea, so from the audiences perspective they would see it as being one whole sequence, but from another angle rather than they fact i filmed from two different angles, at sperate times.
This is another example of where i think the editing worked well and it was where the shots chnaged from her making the tea to walking over to the table and it was from two complete opposite sides of the room in which i filmed the shots, but keeping to the 180 degree rule in filiming and always keeping to one side of the objective meens that the shots look the way they should, and arnt confusing to the eye through continuity editing.
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