Saturday, 2 April 2011

Evaluation question1. - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The start of my movie opening i believe works really well, as all objectives are built up gradually, including the music and the visuals, and the music increases and the dynamic and interesting shots used gradually speed up and i think this is very common with movie openings; as its not often that the movie dives straight into something action packed and fast, its common for openings to gradually built up, have a questioning part to it and make the audience question what is going on, and keep them engaged in the opening.
Its also very typical to have opening credits and 'staring' name slowly running over the top of visual footage and i think this worked particularly well, as once again its a key feature that keeps the audiences attention as they follow the visuals and they staring names.

As the opening sequence rolls there are many quirkey shots used that are almost quite eerie, which creates alot of questioning and tenstion form the audience, as the opening carries on the shots get faster, and shots change quickly this grabs the audiences attention and is simliar to existing openings as quirkey images are often used to grabs the audiences attention. Also the countryside setting, in which you can see the unusual shots also creates an atmosphere; with a location such as this you would expect a independent movie to be shot in a similar location to this, and this is what i would relate my film to be if it were made into a full length feature film, as the britsh settings would be similar to a britsh independent movie. The eerie shots and the fact there is a motionless body in the frame could hint at the idea that this movies genre could be thriller, crime or mystery, and i think its effective leaving part of the awnsering to the audience to decide on a genre.

Similar to existing movies, i thought after the gripping, fast shots i used at the start of my opening it would be effective to dive straight into the title 'Possessions' which relates to the previous shots of a girl, laying motionless, and many closeups of various objects, possesions, which can also be later seen in the latter part of my opening. I thought dropping the title in here with some blunt non-diegetic sound worked really well as it split up the two parts of the opening the more artistic obscure angles and then in conparison to the section after which is the same girl featured in the first half, going about her day to day activities.

After the title is shown, the shot then changes to a medium shot of a kettle which is boiling, i think this visual works really well after the eerie first sequence, the shot is then interupted as a girl, the same girl featured in the first half, reaches into the shot with a mug and makes a cup of tea. Now this is quite common for an opening as after an artistic or unusual opening it works really well when human activity is first noticed.

I took some video footage of the charatcer going about her day to day activities, as i think by this time the audience will notice that this girl is the same girl featured in the opening shots, and this will make them interested in what is going to happen next, a gripping topic, similar to other movies, keeping the audience interested. The fact that these shots are quite casual and its a girl in her own home location could also introduce the idea that this film could be set under the title of drama as a genre, as similar subjects and locations would be used in a drama.

Attached here is a video of an opening of movie, 'Harry Brown' Featurinf Micheal Caine relased in 2009, which follows a similar idea to mine, where in which something quite peculiar and gripping happens, then credits roll, in my case its the movies title name, and then this changes to a character going about there day to day activity, this video example shows at the end the slight snipet of the character waking up, and then clip then stops; but in the actual longer version in the film it carries on with the character waking up and getting ready. I think this was a similar example i found to the idea i used in my piece, and relates quite well.

Inbetween shots of the character going about her day to day activity i have included the running credits of the productions company, distribution company, who funded the movie etc, as in the first part sequence i revealed the staring characters, i thought showing these inbetween clips would work well, as it breaks parts up, making it more interesting and creating a gradual build up.

In comarison to the first half of the opening the second part is alot slower and more casual, as its almost as if we are just watching the girl, and these shots used are alot longer, and i think this works well as its almost like the actual movie is begginging and a build up is starting, but as she is reading the paper, we see a change in attitude, and she becomes very anxious and storms out the house.. this is where the opening ends, but i think it works well as this slight built up to her storming out creates alot of questioning for the audience, and they would start to relate and try to fix together how these two seperate parts work together, and what happens inbetween for her to be in the state she was in at the start.

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