Thursday, 7 April 2011

Evaluation question 4. - Who would be the audience for your media product?

I believe if my opening were to be made into a full length feature film it would appeal to a younger audience between the ages of say 15-25 and i wanted my opening to still appeal to this audience age range. One important thing is that i didnt want my opening to appeal to just one gender, so i had to think about this whilst planning my opening. The opening does only reveal one character who is female, but i think this doesnt particularly matter, and doesnt meen it is a female dominate film, as the eerie gripping opening i think reveals and hits at the idea that the genre is thriller/mystery and i think this appeal to both genders.
If my film were to be full length it would feature many other aspects as music, possibly music from similar artists as kings of leon, or chase and status as some of there tracks are effective along with visuals in creating tention. Other aspects will also be included, possibly like crime, alcohol, music and betrayal, as these relate to the genre and would work well with fitting with the age range of 15-25 as these are often subjects in which they are interested in or can relate to at that age.
This age is also the most dominate audience for thriller films which is why i wanted to aim my film at this age range. Below are some examples of typical teenagers which would i am aiming this opening at, i have also asked people from this age range of there responces to my opening and the out come was positive, meening that if this were to be a feature film i believe the audience age range chosen would be appropriate.

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