Saturday, 16 April 2011

Evaluation question 6. - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the whole of this project i have used many types of software and technologies which have been new to me, and i have learnt to use to enable me to create my final coursework opening piece. Below are some example of new thing i have to learn in order to sucessfully do so.
Livetype is a programme i used in order to create my titles that appear throughout my opening, this was a very complex programme that i somtimes struggled with, in order to sucssfully create my titles, i have to set many different thing individually including the font, timing, transitions of the text, the spacing of where they were to be seen on the opening and also the ammount of time they were to be on the opening for; all these aspects were something that had to be set and applied in livetype.

Slr Camera
Throughout the project many types of camera were used, one in which was and slr, which i used in order to take photos for casting, and i also atempted to filmd footage using the slr, but the quality wasnt appropriate so i decided to use a HD camcorder.

Apple Mac
The whole of the editing of my piece was done using a Apple Macpro which at first i found extremly difficult being used to an ordinary computer, but this is where all my footage and every aspect of my opening was made, another new technology i had to learn to use!
Final Cut Pro
Final cut was the programme i used in order to edit my clips together and make the piece work as a whole, i added fades between shots here and cut the clips down, and converted them to the appropriate file type. Things such as the titles and the soundtrack were thing i had to import into final cut and edit into the piece, colaborating the different programmes together in order to creating a piece was also somehtign new to me.
Flip Camera
A flip camera was used in order to film tesing parts and also i use the flip camera to upload people video responces to my oepning, this was surprisingly simple to do as the camer consisted of a usb and a cable from the mac pro working togetehr in order to uploading the videos to the mac, then quicktime, and then uploading them to youutbe to post online.
Blogger was a programme i have heard of before and was fairly familar with, so was quite easy to come to terms with, and i find it a really useful way in which i could keep track and keep up to date with all work.

HD Camcorder
The HD camcorder was the technolgy in which i filmed the footage for my opening and i firstly found it very difficult to work and control; once i got used to using it, along with a tripod, it was down to angeling the shots and keeping the camera steady.
Youtube was an extremly helpful online programme in which i used throughout the project, for research, uploading my own videos, and also uploading the responces to my opening. the most difficult aspect was the converting of the video and chosing the right settings in order to the videos being recognisable to the programme meening they can be uploaded sucessfully.

Soundtrack Pro
A programme in which i used to create the soundtrack for my opening, and this involved choising the different sounds, sometimes extending them, and creating the different sounds through many layers of sounds. I had to look for sounds that i thought would work well in my piece and create tension and atmopshere.

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