Thursday, 17 March 2011


For my Movie opening, one feature which is key to a successful opening is the main objective and focus of the story which us to be lead on by a particular character. So in my case there is only going to be one key character who is featured in our opening, so the acting needs to be very particular and the way in which she looks must be very also striking and rememberable to suit our theme of the opening being a drama thriller. This character is also portrayed as very innocent as this will create sympathy and questioning from the audeinces perspective, so her character must be very believable from the audiences perspective!

I thought from my idea that a girl would be more suitbale, as it easier to generate sympathy and have more of an emotional conection with a female charatcer as they are genrally more emotional and easily portrayed an innocent. From my initial planning i thought of the opening being based around something mysterious that has happen to a girl, maybe quirkey shots of parculiar things surroudning, and in connection with the girl, and then shots of her going about her day to day activity. I thought it would be easier using a girl to portray this innocence and questioning as they are easier to portray with a female charatcer through different aspects such as body language, style, voice and even costume and props; whereas it is harder to portray a male character as all these aspects and still be believable so we thought a female lead would work well and be most appropriate.

After talking to a male and talking to him about ideas and ways in which we thought he could effectively portray the idea him being isolated and innocent, we thought it would be most effective to stick to the lead being a girl and casting females only.

I liked the look of this female as she could effectively portray innocent, but thought maybe her tone of voice may not work for my particular idea, if i were to use speech in the opening, although the character wont actually say much, just a few key lines and quoters we thought it was still and important aspect to consider.

After talking to this Female we thought as our main feature character she wouldn't work as well as some of the others casted, as we generally thought her look wasn't what we were looking for, and we generally thought she looked too happy to create sympathy from the audience!

After casting to this character i thought she looked to edgy and rocky to be portrayed as a innocent key character, i thought her voice worked well, of i was going to use voice in my opening, which is yet decided, but her hair and overall looked wouldn't have worked as well as other although for our final 'look' we will be looking and choosing costume.

I really liked this female and thought she would work really well as my chosen key character as she has a really innocent look about her, with her pale skin tone and light blonde hair, another key factor which is important was the fact she is very petite, and this will work well in the audiences behalf in the idea of creating sympathy. She also had a really quite and subtle tone to her voice, which is appropriate for the small piece of dialogue she may have.

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