Attached are a few images that are relevant to the theme of my film opening, which associate with some Ideas i have generated. For example, i want the opening to be very British, and i will be filming in a resonably cold season, as this automatically makes the opening more eerie, as the season isnt as happy and bright as if it were to be based in sumertime. I wanted to have an almost split opening, i want to included lots of fast, weird angleing shots of different possessions and ite,s, in rubble, and between leaves and twigs ect, as it its a scene and these have beeen left there. Then i wanted shots to change around abit, and more be reavealed ot the audience, possible a body? ..or hint that there has been some sort of weird activty around this location, which will be set in a countryside, in britain, casue if this were to be made into a full liength feature film, it would be an independent movie, and this is the sort of location a indepent movie owuld be based in.
As i am looking at thriller/drama as my genre i want the shots to be quite eerie and questioning for the audience.
Then the shot may then change or something then happens, and its the girl going about her day to day activites, this will creating an emense ammount of questioning from the audinece and will have them gripped (hopefully!) Attached are some pictures which i think are relevant to my idea, the location in which i plan to film is a very typical british home, which will work well, as if i attempted to film in a location featured in many blockbuster moves, it would be very hard to portray and very poor quality, as resources used to film these movies aren't accessible. I have also aded pictures of possible prop ideas and similar locations to where i could film.